Pool Info

Lorings Square Pool
Typically our pool opens around Memorial Day weekend and closes around Labor Day. The hours of operations are daily from 9:00am to 10:00pm.
Daily, between the hours of 8:00 P.M. -10:00 P.M., NO children under the age of 18 will be allowed in the pool UNLESS they are accompanied by a parent or guardian who is over the age of 18.
- All guests MUST be accompanied by an active HOA member in good standing.
- No smoking at any time.
- Failure to follow the rules will result in loss of privileges for a period of time.
For new or replacement pool key cards contact the management company All-In-One. Replacement cards are $25. Only one card per household.
(A) The Swim/Tennis Chairperson shall have full authority to clear the pool and pool area of personnel at any time.
(B) Children under the age of twelve (12) years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of sixteen (16). Parents must remain in the pool area for supervision-not on the tennis courts. Non-member and member babysitters that accompany children to the pool area are the responsibility of the members who have hired their services. They are to ensure that pool rules and regulations are understood and followed.
(C) Pool furniture should not be placed in the pool.
(D) NO glass objects (except eyeglasses and sunglasses) will be taken into the pool area.
(E) NO pets of any kind are permitted within the fenced pool area.
(F) Beverages must be in paper, plastic or metal containers.
(G) Beverages and food are not to be taken into the pool. However, beverages and food are permitted on the deck areas when in approved containers.
(H) No one is permitted to open pool skimmers around the pool.
(I) General rules to be observed by everyone will be posted in the pool area.
(J) An updated list of regulations and pool/tennis hours will be given to each Class B and Class C member upon payment of dues.
Contact swimtennis@loringssquare.com with any questions.